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  • Writer's pictureSarah Chalkie Cloonan

Unit 2 - Critical Review of unit 2 preparing for Unit 3. - About the Expo.

Two current films of artists that I have been researching

They both talk about how and why they both paint.

I talked to Anna about what it was I was trying to do and she asked exacly was it it I couldnt fathom, oddly it wasn’t something I had thought to answer. The answer seemed to be how I might realise everything in to a coherent final piece.

I needed to bring my four path ways together.

She suggested I looked at a film piece or an installation which would allow me to expand what I produced and would give me a bit more control over the outcome and reception of my work. It would also allow me use by previous and current work together.

I followed up the artist suggsetions which included some more Joan Jonas and some other film makers. I also want to think about the transparent surface to work on.

A tree installation seems to be my favoured direction, and I need to look at multi screens and film along with assemblages, installations and collections which could all be based around my tree.

So far in unit two I have managed to stay on track, even while collaborating.

Everything is making senses in context with my four path ways.

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