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  • Writer's pictureSarah Chalkie Cloonan

Unit 2 - Process - M&M - Making Nuno - Sudo Reiko @ Japan House May 2021

This was a beautiful exhibition, I had a long chat with the gallery experience assistant Limin Tan. She was incredibly help full and explained all the processes Sudo Reiko had developed to create these wonderful new fabrics and hangings.

There was a very informative film and accompanying exhibition, showing the context and historical back ground to Reikos research. So much of the way she worked was traditional with a modern twist.

Much of her research had been carried out in the kitchen of Reikos home as she could experiment with both the heat and water processes she used. I felt this was a very clear example of where domestic skills attributed to an industrial out come.

This was inspirational research for my hanging project, there were blue swirls, shadow play, and threads being accompanied by rather restful sounds of domestic weaving in the back ground.

Accompanying the display was a film, tap the link below.

MAKING NUNO Japanese Textile Innovation from Sudō Reiko 須藤玲子:NUNOの布づくり

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