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Unit 1 Locating Practise Within Subject - Research proposal.

The act of picture-making a picture may deliver something I wasn't expecting, didn't realize I felt or thought. I wonder if this is my subconscious surfacing or something else?


Is it a magic moment, my thoughts and feelings in tune with the natural fluxes and flows that encompass our world like an invisible web connecting everything and everyone? I would like to explore, and find these magic moments in the everyday and connect the narratives. I am curious to see if it may be used to speak about the ordinary and the domestic.​



Giff -Research Presentation Dec 2020

My Aims Are: 


 -To confirm the importance- while making central inspiration from the domestic and every day -of the imagined and the magic. 


-To explore my own feelings and beliefs about the real, imagined, domestic, and every day.


-To examine the use of escapism to reach credible or beneficial goals or beliefs. 


- To expand my knowledge of other cultures to allow me to reach a broader audience, using the domestic, everyday realm as a vehicle. 


 - To discover a way to use my work to raise spirits and encourage imagination. 


-To develop a language/imagery that would appeal without imposing/offend to encourage the search for the magic in the everyday.  


-To research and find materials that might be more appropriate than the traditional ones. 


-To learn how to use these new materials effectively.


-To pinpoint where the resulting work or ideas would be most effectively displayed or incorporated. 

Digital Collarge Knowledge and Dream tree Dec 2020

What is a painting and is this a poem?


A painting fixes something, heals you, shows you something.


Maybe be I can locate myself in my work – A question that has been haunting me.


I am floating, dreaming, looking, seeing – trying to put words to my thoughts and the things I see beauty, magic, I peer out into my world and try to understand. 


You are seeing my world through my pictures so I am in your head, you complete the process.


I appreciate your attention.


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