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  • Writer's pictureSarah Chalkie Cloonan

Unit 3 Process Paper Moon & The Flying Fish

Flying fish - detail, in process. Paper, gesso, canvas drawing and paint.

The idea that knowledge will set you free.

The fish as a symbol of rebirth & knowledge.

The swirling heavens and ebbing and flowing of the oceans.

This will also gave to go on hold but may appear in Lilith's complaint I may work it in tandem.

Finally a snipped did appear behind the mother's head to create a feeling of other worldliness, to represent that divinity that 'defines our ends rough hue them how we will', as coined by Shakespeare’s characters Hamlet and his philosophical friend Horatio.

There is no way to escape fate, but we can work within its confines & the more we know the more successfully we can shape the outcome.

Rather like the scientific outcome is Grace Weirs project. I love the ideas, I don't like the film.

Louise Bourgeois says look at the art work.

If you ask the artist to explain it you get another creation. I still agree.

I'm still not happy about films. I like the static nature of art work, wall paper, fabrics, the way the light moves across in in a timeless way. The way I'm allowed to control the pace.

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