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Wednesday 28 October 2 pm‪ – MA Fine Art Cross Course Showcase



Both staff and students are asked to select one image of their work – one that best represents your current practice. When the image of your work and selfie are displayed, you have just 1 minute to state your name and course, briefly outline your current ideas and research and list a selected range of influences on your work (e.g. artists, books, films, philosophy, popular culture, political ideas etc.


I’m Sarah Chalkie Cloonan I am on the MA painting course

This work is a deconstructed piece exploring my emotional response to a recent event.


I Like the idea that deconstruction might be a powerful way to communicate on an instinctive level and how this might combine with figurative paint and language.


 I’m Interested in the real the imagined and the unexplained and I am driven by trying to get something right.


This year I'd like to explore and bring alive the ordinary and domestic; examining and promoting its belief in, stories, domestic lore, magic, and what might be.  


Artists who have inspired me – Louise Bourgeois, Lee Krasner, John Baldisseri, Mark Bradford, Ewan Euglo, Picasso, the Omega  Workshop painters, and writers such as Mary Oliver, Virginia Wolfe, travel writer Patrick Leigh Fermor, and  "Saki" for their storytelling.

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